
My Classmates

Today in my grad seminar class we finally shared our work with each other. It was exciting to finally see and hear about everyone's work. Below is one photo I grabbed from each persons website. Some of the websites seem out dated but this should give you an idea. Everyone had impressive work and unique styles and ideas. There are seven first year students including myself, check them out.

Rodrigo Gonzalo


Micaela said...

Never love them as much as you loved us... but you can love them kinda. haha miss you...

Nikki DeSautelle said...

Hey Matt! I'm really excited for you. And also kind of jealous. Mike said you have Sagmeister critting your first project???

Matt Chung said...

Mickey, ok I won't :) miss you!

Nikki, yes it is for an assignment in my installation art class. He is coming out her to give a lecture, like the woodward lecture series thing but at RIT and while he is here is critiquing student work!

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

I'm so happy for you, Matt. Looks like you'll be surrounded by people you'll like, except for me!
Miss you tons.

Michael Eugene Burdick said...
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Michael Eugene Burdick said...

emily's photo is soo swweet.

emily joy said...

Yeah well I think Michael Eugene Burdick is sweet. Or at least I think I would, if I knew him.