

So I have the best brother and sister-in-law... EVER. Yesterday I was at school working on some homework when my brother IMed me asked if I was at home, and then when I was going home. I was suspicious so I asked why, and he said their was a package waiting for me at my door.  When I got home I found this huge white styrofoam container (yay now I have a cooler). I immediately smiled because I love getting packages and this one was filled with frozen foods. With a loving note,
Hi Matt,
Don't starve at school Hope all is well.
Love Justin and Carrie
Moving to a new town has been great, and I have really enjoyed it so far but I definitely miss my family.  It was such a comforting feeling to receive such a fun gift from my brother and Carrie. :) Thanks again!

Oh yeah it was packed with dry ice (awesome bonus!) so I pretended to be  Mr. Wizard and made fun experiments and impressive Lizzie with my knowledge and trickery of dry ice. hahaha


jamestryingtocloseblog said...

the second picture looks like noodles and powdered red clay!

Stefani said...

so cute! i wanna play with dry ice. and i hope you realize now that i may or may not comment on every single one of your blog posts..

Micaela said...

You are such a wizard. Send me your address so that I can send you secret stuff!


Brittany | the Home Ground said...

I can't beat dry ice... Every package you ever receive will be measured in comparison to this one. What an awesome brother you have.